
For the first timers!


For the first timers!

Register here first to get a tee.

Follow these steps to make your first Pull Request! 😁

  1. Fork the Repository
  2. Add your name and link to your github profile, in the same chronological order.
  3. Commit it, and make a Pull Request.
  4. Wait for your pull request to get accepted. 😉

Remember you’ve to Register first in order to get a tee from DigitalOcean.

S.No. Name GitHub
1. Raghav Sharma @raghav4
2. Abhishek Sindhwani @abhi99sind
3. Mayank Harbola @mayankharbola
4. Shridhar Rai @shridharrai
5. Agyeya Mishra @AgyeyaMishra
6. Muhammad Farhan @farhan787
7. Rohit Prajapati @rohitprajapatii